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10 Things to Know About the Rainbow Makeup

rainbow makeup

The rainbow makeup is vibrant and beautiful and can fit into just about any occasion. The best part about this look for adults or kids is that it lets you freely express your creativity.

If this is one look that appeals to you and you are considering wearing it, here are ten fun and interesting facts you should know about it beforehand.

rainbow makeup

10 Things to Know About the Rainbow Makeup

1) Less is More

While the rainbow has seven vibrant colors, you don’t want to use all of these colors when creating this look for yourself or your kids.

The colors in a rainbow include red, blue, orange, yellow, indigo, violet, and green. Imagine having all of these colors on your face. You would have a color riot at best, one that wouldn’t be too easy on the eyes.

Some rainbow makeup can accommodate all seven colors – on rare occasions – but for this to work, you would have to be an expert at color coordination and blending.

If you are new to the world of face painting, what you want to do is pick a few of these complementary colors and blend them until perfect.

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2) There Are a Few Ways to Express Your Creativity

You’ll find that one of the most common ways to create the rainbow makeup is to draw a rainbow on one or both cheeks or even the forehead.

However, another less common but attractive way is to bring out the eyes using a blend of colors. The idea is to create a rainbow from the eyelids and this usually comes out so well.

3) An Expert Blending Skill is usually required

If you decide to go for the eyes rainbow pallet then you would need some expert blending skills.

The colors would be applied on the eyelids, just like you would your regular eyeshadow, however, because you’d be using a few bright colors, you would then have to blend them in together perfectly so the look comes out attractive.

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4) You Have the Option of Paint or Eyeshadow

The idea is to create a blend of complementary colors or display these different colors lying side by side.

Now, while your best bet for achieving this is using some face paint, you would get similar results by making use of an eye shadow palette.

In going for the latter option though, you want to ensure your eyeshadow palette of choice is high quality so it lasts a long time.

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5) Make Use of a Primer

You can further increase the color staying power by using a primer before applying the makeup.

This goes with the eyeshadow and besides making the colors last longer, a primer also boosts the color intensity.

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6) You might Need to Experiment a Little to Find What Works

It’s possible to try on your rainbow makeup and get it right the very first time, especially if you have your way around colors.

However, if this doesn’t happen you shouldn’t beat yourself up. Most of us have a try a blend of colors a few times on a canvas (any plain surface here can serve as one) before we can get what works.

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7) The Lips Are Not Left Out

While this is not a common spot when creating the rainbow makeup look, a few people still opt for it.

Remember, the idea of this makeup is to express yourself and your creativity as best you can. So if you feel the lips work fine for you, then you want to stick with it.

For this, you would typically just section your lips into parts and then apply different colors of lipstick.

You would need to apply some precision so the colors don’t run into each other.

An easy way to ensure this is to section the lips into four parts and, using a light tissue to block out the other part, apply the color to one part, then repeat the same for the other.

Some of the colors might come off with the tissue, however, this can be carefully retouched and is a better option than having one color smear into the other.

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7) You Can Go Light or Heavy

If applying makeup or even a single color is not your thing, then there are options to go light and still create a beautiful rainbow makeup look.

Unlike most other looks where the creation is definite, this is one look that lets you play around with techniques and applications to get what you want. So play away!

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8) Fewer Colors Also Work

You get the best rainbow look when you use around five complementary colors, however, you will find that using just three colors also works just fine, especially if you are creating the rainbow arc on the cheek or forehead.

9) Try Some Effects

While the rainbow look is standalone, you can do no wrong adding some effects.

Actually, if you are somewhat daring or would love a little extra besides the bright colors then you should try the drib effect, the white outline, or the shadow look.

For this, you might need to watch a few videos just to see how each looks as well as any other rainbow effect is created.

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10) A Last Minute Tryout

If all else fails, either because you haven’t quite got the hang of the rainbow makeup application or you are pressed for time, there is always the option of a rainbow wig.

These wigs come in different styles and color blends and will save you the time of having to apply paint to your face.

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Seeing as there are a handful of techniques and makeup applications that go with the rainbow makeup, this is one fun look you want to try out.

While creating it, you should stay true to yourself and let your personality shine through.

Another great thing about this look is that every single makeup item needed is already available in your makeup bag and the few needed can be easily purchased online.

Afterward, the face paint or makeup goes off easily via a face wash, the use of a face wipe or makeup remover so you need harbor no fear it will stick.

Read Also: How Old Should Your Kid Be to Wear Makeup?

Tag: things to know about the rainbow makeup look for adults or kids

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