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5 Things to Know When Applying Stage Makeup

5 Things to Know When Applying Stage Makeup

Applying stage makeup the very first time can be pretty daunting. You’ll be left wondering if you should follow your regular makeup pattern and routine or if there are a few key steps that would need to be adopted.

The stage makeup is different in that it is more pronounced and visible. Unlike your day-to-day makeup where you can go mild or skip a few steps if you aren’t in the mood for those, with stage makeup, you aren’t left with this option. You need your facial features quite visible, so people can still see you clearly even from several rows away, which is why there is a step-by-step process when it comes to stage makeup application and you would need to follow through on this.

Before getting started, here are

5 Things to Know When Applying Stage Makeup

1. A great, glowing skin is a great canvas for stage or any other kind of makeup.

2. Oil-free foundations are preferred as they produce a better result.

3. For powder, you always want to go for loose powder as they are easier to work with and creates a better finish.

4. Setting powder and finishing powder are a girl’s best friend.

5. Baby powder makes for a great option as a finishing powder, although you should only use this temporarily as reports of it promoting cancer have been heard.

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Makeup Items Needed for Your Stage Makeup

You would be requiring the same makeup you use for your regular makeup. Remember the difference between both makeup techniques is in the application and not necessarily the makeup items used.

So, for the stage makeup, here are the items you will need:

– Primer
– Foundation
– Powder
– Lipstick
– Eyeliner
– Mascara
– Lip liner
– Blush
– Setting powder
– Finishing powder

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Other tools needed would include:

– A makeup brush set (this would come with every kind of makeup brush needed for a professional makeup session – from the powder brush, eyeshadow brush, and contour brush, to the lip brush and blush brush)

– A primer applicator (although your hand will also work just fine here)

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Steps to Follow When Applying Stage Makeup

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1) Work on Getting a Great Complexion

Although this stage is carried out well before the D-day, it is worth mentioning.

A great, flawless skin is the best makeup anyone can gun for and you really want to take it seriously.

A few simple steps will leave you with an even tone and a glowing complexion, especially when done regularly.

Whatever else you do, you want to make sure you incorporate this skincare routine into your lifestyle (if you aren’t already doing so)

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– Exfoliate your skin at least once weekly and no more than twice to eliminate dead skin cells. Make use of a child-friendly exfoliating cream or prepare one yourself using natural ingredients like brown sugar and honey.

– Never sleep with your makeup. A child’s skin is quite sensitive and sleeping with makeup, whenever they wear some can be damaging to the skin over time. At the very least you want to use a makeup removal to get rid of every makeup on your face.

Your child’s best bet for a great skin though is to use a mild cleanser daily to deep-clean and rid the skin of dirt.

– Use a daily hypoallergenic moisturizer, especially on the day of the event.

– Take at least 6 -8 glasses of water daily.

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2) Prime the Face

Right after working to have glowing skin, making use of a good primer tops the list of must-do when applying stage makeup.

A primer offers several benefits, including intensifying the makeup and increasing its staying power.

You want to apply primer all over the face and let it sit for a few minutes until it dries.

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3) Apply Your Foundation

Foundation out a few functions;

– Set the powder.
– Deepen your makeup.

This is the first real step when applying the stage makeup and you want to blend it properly until smooth. This is also the stage where you apply a little dusting of setting powder to keep every makeup applied so far in place.

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4) Powder Up the Face

Some people leave this for last, but it also works just fine when it comes right after the foundation.

Apply the right shade of powder over the face, making sure to dust some over the neck and any other part that might be exposed.

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5) The Eyes Should be Brought to Life

The brows come next. If they aren’t already shaped before this time, you want to do that so they appear more defined.

Some people can activate the perfect brows using strokes to trim off excess brow hair, however, if you are pressed for time, then a bow stencil can help achieve the same result in a shorter time.

Once done, you want to look for prominent eyeshadow colors for the lashes. Then come the eyeliner and mascara.

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6) The Cheeks Are Important To

Highlight the cheeks using a bold blush color. Depending on the shape of your face, you want to make sure your cheeks become warm when you are done.

Make use of a blush brush for your lush application for a more professional look.

7) The Lips Too

For the final stage when applying stage makeup, pick a bold color for the lips. This could be any color of your choice, however, you want to make sure it is a shade that “speaks”.

Start off by outlining your lips using a lip liner in the same color and shade as your lipstick of choice. Blend this in properly so the line is no longer defined, then fill the center in with the lipstick. Smack or gently rub the lips against each other so the colors blend perfectly without smearing into the other.

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8) Make Use of a Finishing Powder

With your makeup concluded, keep the colors all in place by making use of a finishing powder. This also ensures the colors last longer on the face, which is one more time you would be taking a step to ensure this.

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